Lovey-Dovey Mixtape | Annie Sansonetti and Blanca Ulloa
“Ideally life, loves, and ideas might then sit freely, for a while, on the palm of the open hand . . . as open as that, and even as concentrated.”
Still from “Bulerías” (La Macanita)
This mixtape was conceived in response to the special issue “The Between: Couple Forms, Performing Together” co-edited by Olivia Michiko Gagnon and James McMaster. It is a girlish and aural experiment in listening for the sound of love: a non-exclusive invitation to an intimate and small soundscape made for a crush.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. 2003. Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Durham: Duke University Press, pg. 3.