Screen Share: Access & Collaboration in the Video Archive (bath // time by isa & troizel)

bath // time

isa and troizel

Artist Credits:
isa & troizel.

About bath//time

bath//time came out of a shared questioning of the process of grooming/cleaning––their entanglement with blackness and anti-blackness. key word: articulation. the way verbal articulation is often about clarifying by sanitizing. bath//time is the breaking point of our frustration with articulation. we turned to the haptic to stand in for and as articulation. for touch and sound to say more than words. for speed and rhythm to rearrange our sense of sense. to understand our time as 'governed' by sensation-- touch and sound in this case--even as it's 'governed' by capitalist-white supremacist time and routine. we ask how we can share gestures that articulate beyond and towards a deeper language of flesh? by experimenting with assumptions around routine, labor, and narrative organization, bath//time mess-makes with the ways that we prepare and arrange ourselves with and for others. 

Artist Bios: 

troizel is black + alive and the queerness of this fact means more than these words can represent. troizel's artistic practice and scholarship place them somewhere between blackness, transness, performance, protest, theology, and (popular) culture.

Isabelle Hui Saldaña / isa writes and performs, with attention to how blackness, indigeneity, earth, and queer intimacy exist in relationship with one another. isa has performed at venues in Hyderabad, India, Miami, and New York City, including MoMA PS1 and rojas + rubenstein projects, among others. 

Video Description Written by Bre Dioni

Bre Dioni, a Milwaukee-native, brands herself as an interdisciplinary artist with an emphasis on dance, film, content creation, and writing. In having so many passions, Breanna utilizes her modes of artistry to talk about subjects pertaining to Black horror studies, oceanic/aquatic relationships to/with Black people, and how to continue to push the imagination past points of colonization and imperialism.

Video Descriptions Voiced By Eshé Hues

Eshé Hues is a trangender sonochromatic artist from Chicago, IL who unifies the relationship between music, color, fabric, and hands through sound and object. He has a M.A. from NYU Tisch School of the Arts and is a recent recipient of AdHoc's NYC Nightlife United grant.

Video Description Transcript: 

Performance: bath//time

Performer(s): isa & troizel.

Column One : Time Stamp

  1. 0:00

  2. 0:03

  3. 0:38

  4. 1:02

  5. 2:01

  6. 2:31

  7. 3:14

  8. 4:04

  9. 5:42

  10. 6:08

  11. 7:01

  12. 8:28

  13. 8:45

Column Two: (Brackets describe audio. Everything (sound + visual descriptions) should be read by the audio describer and everything appropriate should appear as captions.)



  3. Brown coffin-shaped nails graze repeatedly over the skin from jump. Articulate. Another set of hands moistens. Skin shiny. Slippery.

  4. [SLOSHING.] Coconut oil travels backwards up the hands. Skin slips against skin.

  5. [“FIFIFIFIFIFIFIFI.” THE SOUND OF HANDS INTENSIFYING.] Hands skid across themselves. Articulatearticulatearticulatearticulate.

  6. [SPUTTERING.] Coffin nails clean over the skin with a deep green bar of soap.

  7. [WATER STREAMS DOWN THE DRAIN.] Hands knead one another. articulate + articulate = smooth.

  8. [“PAPAPA, SKUSKUSKU.” PATTING AND DRYING.] Trade off cleansing one’s self and helping another.

  9. [SILENCE.]Stillness.

  10. Slip. Knead. Slip. Work it in. Slip. Slip. Slip. Articulate.

  11. [“FSHUFSHUFSHU.” CLEANING.] Scrub. Rinse. Moisturize. [articulatearticulateeee] Moisturize. Rinse. Scrub. [articulate-articulate-articulate-late-late-late-late (3)].

  12. [TOILET FLUSH. GROWLING DRAIN.] Tub fills. Sink on verge of flood. Toilet drains. Water returns.

  13. [“PLOUCH, PLOUCH.” BROKEN WATER TENSION.] Fill the tub. Step in.

Women & Performance